Great characters make the movie

Alright, alright— we have all seen at least one piece of work that has a wonderful idea, wonderful plot, smooth lines; basically perfect, yet the one thing that ruins everything are the characters.

But in Tangled, I think it's safe to say that the characters are likeable enough that you are able to understand, relate, and maybe even form those dangerous emotional connections with them even though they're fictional.

And I know it's pretty much the bare minimum, but can you blame me when I say that the moment I saw our cliche, kidnapped princess, main character go through a journey and actually have character development all while experiencing grief in a way that actually made me feel something for her— it all made the movie so much better.

But if we want to talk about Flynn Rider, then we have the regular himbo where he looks great, is kind of dumb, but also has big dreams; kind of like Nick Wilde from Zootopia, aka the show that makes me question everything about myself in fits of shame.

but anyway, Flynn Rider was somebody who was also a rightful victim of character development when he realized that maybe money wasn't the solution to all his problems, which in my opinion is a pretty hard mindset to get out of, especially if you grew up like him. Plus, he doesn't just randomly kiss Rapunzel or straight up immediately propose to her (though we do see their wedding in Tangled Ever After).

And while I keep talking about character development like some nerd, we also have the character who rightfully didn't receive said development of character: Mother Gothel.

And let me tell you when we saw her fall out of that window at the end of the movie and die just like all other Disney villains— I couldn't help but actually wonder about whether or not that affected Rapunzel because sure, Mother Gothel manipulated and pretty much used her— but she was Rapunzel's only figure of a mother for years.

But as far as I know, Mother Gothel probably did not care about Rapunzel all that much at all; feeding into the evil woman character she had going on with her motives that (I can unfortunately say) I do understand.

Anyway, all the characters interacted with each other really well and complement one another's personality's in the way where they all can somewhat relate to each other but are still different.

So yeah, in other words, Tangled has really great characters! And if you're wondering who's my favorite, it's obviously going to be Mother Gothel.

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